Standing Out in Ohio Podcast
Listen and learn how some stand out from competition and gain market share. Information helpful to agents and buyers. Conversations with professionals and entrepreneurs regarding their stories and what makes their companies and themselves stand out and gain competitive advantages. Listen to stories from Ohio real estate agents and related businesses to help you know how to improve and who to consider using for yourself or friends. Created by the owners of a highly rated home inspection company in Ohio and the Winners of Best Home Inspection Company in the Midwest https://homeinspectionsinohio.com/
Standing Out in Ohio Podcast
From Mechanicsburg to the Woods: Building Our Dream Home and Thriving in Business
What happens when two dedicated professionals decide to take on the adventure of building their dream home while juggling bustling careers? Join us on an exhilarating journey as Laura, the office goddess, and I, Jim, share our personal story of leaving Mechanicsburg after 22 years to create a new haven on 43 acres of serene woodland in Vinton County, Ohio. From the unexpected twists that led us to a revered builder, to the heartfelt decision of turning our camping getaway into a permanent abode, our narrative is infused with excitement, challenges, and the joy of new beginnings.
Balancing this massive personal project, we've kept our professional lives equally vibrant. Managing successful home inspection and sewer relining businesses, while launching our new venture, Heartland Commercial Property Inspections, has taught us invaluable lessons about preparation and staying ahead. As we navigate the chaos and thrill of relocating, we'll share insights on decluttering, smart planning, and standing out in the competitive business world. Grab a seat, tune in, and discover how life's adventures can harmoniously coexist with flourishing business endeavors.
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Welcome to the Standing Out in Ohio podcast, where we discuss topics, upcoming events, news and predictions with real estate professionals and entrepreneurs. Listen and learn what makes their companies and themselves stand out and gain advantages over the competition and gain market share. Subscribe for the latest news and discussion on what it takes to stand out from the crowd. Now here's your host, jim.
Speaker 2:Hey everybody, welcome to the Standing Out Loud podcast. This is Jim and, of course, with me again is Laura, the office goddess. Hello everyone. All right, so let's give an update on our general life.
Speaker 3:It's been kind of crazy. It's been good life it's been kind of crazy.
Speaker 2:It's been good crazy, it's been good crazy. So, as a lot of you probably know, we were building a house and moving and moving, of course, and getting the house ready, and we will talk about that, and then we've got an event coming up that we're inviting people to. But first let's listen to this.
Speaker 4:Habitation investigation is the way to go for a home inspection in Ohio. Trusted licensed home inspectors for your needs. From radon to mold to warranties For a great home inspection, you really can't go wrong. Visit homeinspectionsinohiocom.
Speaker 2:All right, laura, we lived in Mechanicsburg for 22 years, right?
Speaker 3:Yeah, almost exactly, almost exactly 22 years.
Speaker 2:Wouldn't it be crazy if we get the signed contract for the buyers on the date or close on the date that we moved in? What was the date we moved in?
Speaker 3:It was in October. It's too late, I think.
Speaker 2:It was just before Halloween.
Speaker 3:It was just before Halloween.
Speaker 2:So maybe we'll get an offer.
Speaker 3:That would be cool. That'd be cool, that'd be interesting.
Speaker 2:So anyway, so what we've been doing? We have some woods. We bought woods down in Vinton County, mcarthur, ohio, 43 acres. We were camping there just enjoying it for a little while.
Speaker 3:Then it was like you know what.
Speaker 2:Let's freaking live here.
Speaker 3:It's getting harder and harder to leave.
Speaker 2:Let's live here that we found a builder, tracked him down. Tracked him down because he's we here's how we found a builder and we just asked. We just asked who do you recommend to build a house?
Speaker 3:and to a man. Every person gave us this guy's name yep.
Speaker 2:So, and then we went to a winery down here, which we are likely to do. What's a winery? And I like the little building they had for the winery. I'm like, hey, who, who built this for you? Thinking we could use this person for our house but it was the same guy I'm like all right, well, there we go, that's our builder, so we were on a waiting list for a year and a half year and a half half.
Speaker 2:That's how popular this person is it's really just him and his son and he'll subcontract some things out, like the furnace stuff. He'll subcontract that stuff out, but he only does one pretty much one place at a time.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:So that's why the wait time. But the wait is worth it. So anyway, yeah while that's in so, while that's going on, and here's something we should have done- we're not we're not experienced movers. We should start donating stuff like a year ago, knowing that it's going, what's going to happen, what, that we're going to be moving. We should have started donating a year ago, but we were up with life and it's good to be busy.
Speaker 2:And it is Well running the home inspection business, sewer line business, right Sewer relining that Megan has. We don't own that at all but Megan does the sewer relining so we're involved in that, so helping out with that, the indoor air quality for environmental consultants We've been doing that a lot more.
Speaker 3:I'm doing that training for them to get that pro designation.
Speaker 2:And then starting the website and we've done the paperwork for the Heartland Commercial Property Inspections, which is our sister company for doing commercial property inspections, which we always have been doing, but that division will be totally focused on that. Yes, so we've been busy, but, a year out, start donating your stuff. Six months out, stop buying groceries, okay, and start going through what you have in your deep freezer. That's something I didn't.
Speaker 3:No, we didn't. But I will say, though, that for anybody out there looking to sell your house, you need a freaking agent, because we've been doing this for 22 years, like we've been on the outskirts of real estate doing inspections, doing testing, whatever. I do not think we would have gotten as far as we did, as fast as did, if it wasn't for our agent.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, she had good contacts Because we had a shed. We had a shed that was full of old stuff you know, the girl stuff, stuff we put away Because, like, maybe we'll need it. She had the contacts. Go, hey, I know somebody who could bring a dumpster out. If you want, they'll help clean it out. I'm like done, I don't have the time. We're two hours away from where the current house is. We're two hours away from there.
Speaker 3:It's like I don't have, it's half a day to drive up there and back just to get some stuff done. Well, and we spent not last week but the week week before pretty much the whole week they're working on stuff and, like this is a small town, we were both looking at each other and we're like gosh, this is noisy because we're so quiet where we're at now and we're at now we're.
Speaker 2:I think we're about 900 feet off the road.
Speaker 3:Up a hill.
Speaker 2:Up a hill.
Speaker 3:Surrounded by woods.
Speaker 2:Yes, so there's not a whole lot of noise up here.
Speaker 3:No.
Speaker 2:I can, at night, though, hear horses going down the road, because they're on the road and you kind of hear the hoofs echoing up a little bit. So it's not bad. But we did hear a ton of coyotes last night, so it is an interesting place. But anyway, the house in Mechanicsburg is now, by the time you hear this, it is an active listing as of Tuesday October 15th. It is an active listing. So you're looking for a house in Mechanicsburg or you know somebody check it out. Check it out Old house.
Speaker 3:It's solid house. It's solid.
Speaker 2:It's a very solid house, very nice, it's not perfect, like every house, but, man, it has been a very good house. So while we're down here, so while we've been down here, uh, we've had lots of campers oh, this this month has been crazy for campers coming to to Trothwood they're renting a campsite. They spend like one night, three nights. I've had somebody that spends four nights, like a month or so back, which is nice.
Speaker 3:It was very nice.
Speaker 2:So that's been going on here, taking care of those sites, cleaning those up.
Speaker 3:Oh, and Jim has had fun playing with his masonry heater.
Speaker 2:Masonry heater. We had a fireplace class and, laura, we need to do the fireplace class again.
Speaker 3:And we'll show pictures of our masonry heater, because that's a new thing.
Speaker 2:So I've been breaking that in. Which is so nice and I need the podcast. Ain't going to work really for this. I got to show pictures of it Because the way it it's designed that it's all this massive stone around it the volume of stone and concrete absorbs the heat instead of letting it go straight up and out a chimney like in a traditional fireplace right so I need to take pictures and add this to the fireplace class doing that.
Speaker 2:But event coming up, october 22nd, we're doing a happy hour slash meeting, greet at the rusty bucket in hilliard, off of brighton parkway brighton parkway so that starts at four o'clock, goes on till six, correct, and there's a new home home warranty company that wants to introduce themselves to you. You know the main, one of the main people there. You know her, you love her, diana Silver.
Speaker 3:Yes, so she will be there along with Clayton, I believe.
Speaker 2:Yes, yes, so, and then while we're there, of course. So yeah, this is not so much like a presentation or anything, it's just getting together Chat.
Speaker 3:Come in have a couple drinks. We're going to see about having some food and salad.
Speaker 2:Not too many drinks. Everybody should be driving home.
Speaker 3:Right, just a couple Be sober when you drive. Have some food.
Speaker 2:Yep.
Speaker 3:So, yeah, definitely come on by 4 o'clock. If you go to our class schedule, if you get the email that we send out every week, it is actually listed in there and you can check out the details on it if you forget and just go ahead and sign up for it.
Speaker 2:I'm also pretty certain on the. There's like little show notes on the episode. The link is already in there for all the CE classes. So check that out, guys that will pop up as well and I think Laura's going to add another CE class or two. We have to check the schedule because it changed. Our schedule changes so rapidly, like tomorrow. I thought I had tomorrow open. Nope, I have a mold test. I got to do a chimney scope somewhere.
Speaker 3:And we got to meet with somebody.
Speaker 2:We got to have a meetings. Things change rapidly, but that's what's been going on with us. It's been good.
Speaker 3:It's been busy but it's been good. So we're here. We're working on getting everything brought in.
Speaker 2:We've got seven chickens. We have four chickens. We had seven chickens.
Speaker 3:We still have seven and three are being recalcitrant little creeps, because they don't want to come back.
Speaker 2:They are living life on the land. They're just out on the outskirts of the area, amongst the trees living large eating bugs and having fun. I hope they have fun when the coyotes come by. I will share pictures of you and Megan hunting the chickens.
Speaker 3:Oh no, you're helping, I am going to help and, don't worry, we'll take pictures of you and Megan hunting the chickens.
Speaker 2:Oh no, you're helping. Oh, I am going to help.
Speaker 3:You're helping and don't worry, we'll take pictures of you too.
Speaker 2:That's fine. So, yeah, it's been interesting, it's been fun, but, yeah, hopefully we will see you October 22nd, 4 o'clock till 6 o'clock at the Rusty Bucket in Hilliard Is there, just off of. Brighton Parkway, which I think at Cemetery Road is a, is near that yeah. Yeah, cemetery Road and 27. It's not far from that intersection, but go to that. Rusty Bucket, we've taught classes there before.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's usually where we go to teach classes, so we'll see where they put us that day and come find us. It'll either be in that little room on the back with the fireplace or that little closed off room that they have.
Speaker 2:Or just around the bar area. Or just around the bar area. If we're getting there early enough, we could just commandeer, a high top table or a couple of tables in the bar area, because it would be so much better that way. Yeah, faster for drinks and foods, that is true so, anyway, hope to see you on this way a second other than that. I think that is it. Uh, we do have more episodes coming up, thankfully because we have our system is now so doing everything on laptop.
Speaker 2:I actually have a desktop now and a nice screen the microphones thank you, laura my it goddess, all right.
Speaker 1:Thank you everybody bye guys bye you've been listening to the standing out in ohio podcast. Be sure to subscribe on spotify or google podcast to get new, fresh episodes. For more, please follow us on instagram, twitter and facebook, or visit the website of the best ohio home inspection company at homeinspectionsinohiocom or jimtroffcom. That's J I M T R O T H, and click on podcast until next time. Learn and go. Do no-transcript.